Charms: An Interview with Christine Andrew


If there’s one thing we adore about Christine, it’s that she always keeps it real. Her priority is to create a community where her one million Instagram followers feel like they can be themselves, starting by sharing the ups and downs of her family’s life in Salt Lake City. Although she may be a fashion blogger and online boutique owner, her favorite job title of all is “Mom”.

“There’s no typical day for us. I will say every morning I cook breakfast for Beckam – he loves pancakes – but it’s 50/50 ... sometimes they’re frozen, and sometimes they’re homemade.”

“The most surprising thing about motherhood has been the extremes. It’s so much harder than I imagined – trying to balance everything, and the mom guilt – but there are feelings of true, unconditional love that you can’t understand until you go through it.”

“We want our kids to grow up kind, confident, and giving. Every night, we say three positive affirmations that they repeat back to us. The Sunburst with Pearl reminds me of these special times with them.”

Learn more about Christine by following her @HelloFashionBlog and check out her Charms picks below!

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Kendra Scott Media