Our Newest Limited Edition Stones


Only shoppable for a season, yet bound to make a lasting impression on your jewelry box. 

Cobalt Howlite

A bold nod to the Pantone Color of the Year, genuine Howlite is dyed a brilliant custom cobalt while still maintaining the black and gray veining that the natural stone is known for. However you wear it, this custom stone is bound to stand out. 

Dark Teal Amazonite

Oh, how we love Amazonite, known to inspire hope, calm, and clarity. Genuine and undyed, the coloring of this blue-green stone transitions effortlessly between the seasons – so you can wear it now and later (and pretty much all year long). 

Golden Obsidian 

Introducing our latest and greatest black! This genuine, undyed stone is formed when molten rock material cools quickly, becoming volcanic glass with inky shine and a golden sheen effect courtesy of needle-like gas bubble inclusions. What’s more? Obsidian is known to inspire self-reflection, protection, and growth. 

Burnt Sienna Howlite 

Enhanced neutrals are all over the runway – and this collection, thanks to our custom Burnt Sienna Howlite. Our genuine Howlite dyed a deep, earthy orange hue that highlights the natural black and gray inclusions of the stone. P.S. For a limited time only, you can also customize this stone in whatever jewelry you want at our Color Bar™

White Howlite 

One of your favorites, and it’s obvious why! Milky white with natural, marble-like veining, this genuine and undyed stone bears a striking resemblance to the ever-popular Carrara marble. While White Howlite is only available in our fashion jewelry for a season, you can customize this stone 24/7 at the Color Bar™

StyleKendra Scott Media