Kendra Scott Facets Blog

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Kendra, On Being a Mom First

I always say that my most important job is being a mother to my three boys. Growing up in Kenosha, Wisconsin, I was surrounded by a large, loving family and a kind, generous mom who set an example of the mother I wanted to be someday. She taught me that being a mother may be the hardest job in the world, but it is by far the most rewarding.

My family is my world, and I created a company culture that allows me to put them first. That may mean I show up to the office in sneakers because I’m running to a soccer game right after a board meeting, or my designers might get an email from me at midnight because I put off a project until the boys went to bed. And I believe every woman deserves the same work-life balance. That's why in our Kendra Scott pillars of Family, Fashion and Philanthropy, Family comes first. It always will.

To the mothers of all kinds, I want to wish you a Happy Mother's Day.

XOXO, Kendra